
Operations related starting the business

Every food business operator (FBO) does not matter, if you are making food, store packaged food, import food, sell food via e-commerce, has to inform Estonian Agriculture and Food Board about its activities. In some cases there is also a permit needed.



In all cases, FBO has to conduct a selfcontrol plan, that includes all the activities, risk analysis, risk treatment plans, roles and responsibilities. 



If you feel that you need help with starting documents and/or selfcontrol plan (or need someone to audit your current selfcontrol plan), then contact me.

Operations related to food labelling

Information given about the food must be compliant and cannot mislead the consumer.

Since there are so many different regulations on food labelling, non-compliances in labelling happen often. And here´s when I come to help!

I will help you to evaluate the current food labelling and/or conduct the new one. Also if you wish to sell your products to other countries and need help with different languages (LV, LT, ENG) –  I can help out. It is important to know, that food labelling must contain certain expressions/claims that are given in the regulations. I can help  you with product specifications and marketing text translations.

Also pay attention, that no matter which platform you are using to sell food, the information given about the food must be compliant and cannot mislead the consumer. It applies to social media pages, on leaflets, on TV commercials etc.

Operations related to representation

If you feel that you need help communicating with your food safety officer, for example due to the language barrier or you just do not have time between your daily tasks, then I am here to help out!

From my own experience I know that FBOs just cannot stay up to date with all the requirements and regulation changes and therefore mistakes happen and some things may not be compliant.

Why choose my services?

I have worked in the surveillance system and I know how to apply flexibility in food business activities so that it does not require too much time or money.

Many of my international clients have been very satisfied with my personal approach and quick results.

10 years of experience

Customer satisfaction

Quick results

Personal approach